Monday, 18 March 2013

climatic change a matter of concern

climatic changes hav e been a matter of concern to all zimbabweans and abroad. since the year 2000 zimbabwe has experienced a drastic change in climatic conditions having most of its part severely affected by pereenial droughts.

it has been noted that the most affected regions include all matebeleland regiond, southern parts of midlands and masvingo. these regions have experienced perennial dry spells leading to the reduction of animal farming and cereal crop productuvity. most people have been severly affected by this development. it has been projected that, the change of  has made many families to live on the mouth to hand.
environmentalists say this has been caused by massive cutting drought of trees,poisonous exhausts from cars .


  1. Comrade please provide solutions to the aforementioned problems because since time immemorial environmentalists like you have been talking of all those problems without providing solutions to the problems .As a progressive environmentalist with hard won academic and professional qualifications l suggest you must encourage your government to put aside funds meant for irrigation and cloudseeding to get rid of the perrenial problems as you have highlighted .

    1. ok mr hove i would like to thank you for your contributions. i think that is really what i wanted to get from you so that we will formulate policies or strategies to counter those mishaps within our communities.

    2. ok mr hove i would like to thank you for your contributions. i think that is really what i wanted to get from you so that we will formulate policies or strategies to counter those mishaps within our communities.
